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BSAlignmentConstants Enumeration

Constants used to align text in a rectangle.

bsAlignLeftTop = 0 ' The text is aligned left, top.
bsAlignLeftCenter = 1 ' The text is aligned left, center.
bsAlignLeftBottom = 2 ' The text is aligned left, bottom.
bsAlignCenterTop = 3 ' The text is aligned center, top.
bsAlignCenterCenter = 4 ' The text is aligned center, center.
bsAlignCenterBottom = 5 ' The text is aligned center, bottom.
bsAlignRightTop = 6 ' The text is aligned right, top.
bsAlignRightCenter = 7 ' The text is aligned right, center.
bsAlignRightBottom = 8 ' The text is aligned right, bottom.
bsAlignGeneral = 9 ' If the text contains a number, it is aligned right, center; otherwise it is aligned left, center.